Dislike Confederates? Think you know more than everyone else at your math table? Are you lefthanded? Do you understand the meaning behind "One if by land, two if by sea"? Did you come up with one of the twelve-and-a-half reasons why monks are destroying the Tibetan economy?
Or have you just stumbled upon this website unknowingly?
Either way, you've found the homepage for the Anti-Confederate Freedom Revolution (ACFR). Started by myself and Breanne during math class one day, we're the primary movement against confederacy in the United States. Bearing our "embroidered muskets" and matching handbags, we're ready to fight for our freedom like it's the Civil War.
You might ask, what's the point? Didn't the Civil War end years ago? The short answer is, yes, it did, but the long answer is that the members of the Anti-Confederate Revolution have discovered secret cells of Confederates skulking around today.
If you've got what it takes - at least a B or better in math, a TI-83 calculator, and the desire to pursue freedom - then join up. If you're not sure, please read our revolutionary manifesto to decide for yourself. Our efforts are not going unnoticed, especially with the recent release of a Going Out With Ben song called "The Confederate Deer Hunting Game," which brought to light the existence of these Confederates in our town.
Based on some interesting rumors we've heard lately, we would like to make it known that our revolution is NOT affiliated with the political party known as The Revolution , which supports clean energy, an end to the war on drugs, less laws, the end of corporate America, tax reform, shared biomedical research, reduction of prisons, increased civil liberty, ending so-called "martial law" on America's youth, joining the UN, freeing repressed countries, healing the Earth's environmental concerns, free legal abortion, and creating an American Utopia. While some of these ideas are sensible and are probably good for our country, we do NOT support this party and we are NOT affiliated with them. The ACFR is affiliated solely with The Guido Society and the ISMC.